TDD stats
Synchronicity again! I wanted to explore the conic-gradient
way of displaying a pie chart, share a TDD checklist, and finally build that tool to track how long I spend on each step of the cycle.

My fisrt job in the late 90s was about building a booking system. Fun fact is that throughout my carreer it happened regularly that I was involved in the creation of a planning tool. And it happened again recently.

Eventually, I wanted to learn more about SVG images and also have an light tool for the weight and balance calculation. Lighter than Foreflight or Garmin Pilot, that I both use btw.

Yose is a game where the players increase their score by delivering working pieces of software. The levels are distributed in different worlds that have their own story, which let the players choose what is more fun for them, or what is more useful for them to practice. Pure algorithm or front-end development, everyone should find fit. The game implements a non-regression concern: every new level of a world will mean a new challenge for the code of the player, while all the previous levels of the world will still have to pass.