Sprint review
Hi, This is how I currently understand the sprint review activity. Expected outcomes of a sprint review decision: do we ship? decision: do we continue? If you play the Scrum game, then the decision to ship is to be made …
Quality with simplicity
Hi, This is how I currently understand the sprint review activity. Expected outcomes of a sprint review decision: do we ship? decision: do we continue? If you play the Scrum game, then the decision to ship is to be made …
Hi, This is how I currently understand the sprint planning activity. Expected outcomes of a sprint planning sprint review date and time sprint goal definition of done selection sprint backlog If you play the Scrum game, then you could add …
As a member of the scrum.org trainers community, I try to contribute to our evidence-based decision-making tools-building effort. My current focus is about figuring out what are the relevant evidences that make a developer a good one. As an agile …